Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Who is eligible to compete?

    • University Students & Young Professionals, ages 18+. Teams must have 2-8 members.
  2. What specific skills does my team need to compete?

    • Basic knowledge of Python or C++.
  3. What skills will my team enhance through participating in PARC?

    • Developing robotic software in ROS
    • Strengthen programming skills
    • Real world robotics problem solving
    • Implement computer vision solutions
  4. How does my team register to compete and when is the deadline?

    • Visit to register to compete, the competition begins Feb 20, 2021 but the deadline to register is March 20, 2021.
  5. My team has registered, how do we get started?

    • Teams receive the PARC 2021 Challenge and the "Getting Started" instructions to set up their computer and begin coding their solution.

Do you have a question not addressed above, send your question to us here